Nabota 100 Units
Comes with: 1 syringe and 1 saline solution (180mg/20mL)
Box: 100 units * 1 Vial
Manufacturer: Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co., South Korea
Availability: In stock
Nabota 100 Units, a South Korean product designed to address expression wrinkles, operates as a peripheral muscle relaxant and serves as an analogue to Botox. The key component is botulinum toxin type A, derived from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum—a substance known for its muscle denervation properties, particularly beneficial for controlling muscle tone and active facial expressions. Produced by Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, South Korea, a reputable biotechnology company with over 30 years of experience, Nabota 100 Units is recognized as a safe and well-established product.
Scope of Nabota 100 Units:
- Nasolabial folds
- Glabellar folds
- Periorbital zone
- Normalization of sweating in palms and armpits, particularly effective in cases of hyperhidrosis
Nabota 100 Units’s targeted use in these areas showcases its versatility in addressing various facial concerns, making it a reliable choice for managing expression wrinkles and related conditions.
- Gorgeous2 weeks after application, it is just amazing!There is not better toxinAmong korean toxins Nabota is by far the best. I have tried many different korean toxins, many are good with great price/quality ratio, however my to ...MoreAmong korean toxins Nabota is by far the best. I have tried many different korean toxins, many are good with great price/quality ratio, however my to go is Nabota!My favoriteMy clients are happy with the results. Nabota is great as usualWorked on meRead a lot about nabota, decided to buy. Very satisfied with the result!Recommend itHave been using it for a while, love it. Great service with tothebeauty, thanksNabota is betterNo going back to Botox. Great product
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